
More than lab medicine – committed to blazing trails, driving development, and passion

Does history foretell the future?

In 1953, Georges Viollier, MD founds the Viollier laboratory in Basel, at home in the basement.

On the way back from school, his four children use their bicycles to pick up the sample material from the physicians' milk boxes and bring it home to the lab.

Basel’s first bike messenger was born.

A story of three generations

With pioneering spirit, the pursuit of perfection and the care of the details Georges Viollier, MD put the foundation of our way of thinking and working. We remain faithful to these values for generations.

Marc-André Viollier, MD, Anne-Françoise Viollier, MD, Edouard H. Viollier, MD, the second generation, takes over the management of the company in stages, while soon the third generation during school vacancies is assembling customer packages with preanalytics.

Today, the children of Edouard H. Viollier, MD, Dominic Viollier, lic. oec. HSG and Natalie Krebser-Viollier, lic. phil. Psychologist are operationally active in the company as CEO and in Human Resources respectively. Both daughters of Anne-Françoise Viollier, MD, are currently employed as doctors at university hospitals.

Continuity as a success factor

In 1986, the foundation was laid for the first two buildings of the state-of-the-art laboratory center in Switzerland, which went into operation in 1988 and 1989. A third lab building was added to the center in 2014. It took a total of 28 years from planning to completion of these three lab buildings.

Long-term thinking – sustainable action

Our dynamic and growing family company is based on visionary, sustainable management with authentic values and skills at all levels. Processes and structures are continuously questioned, redesigned from scratch and adapted to current as well as future needs. The ambition to further improve the best practice and to realize new ideas makes a decisive contribution to medical progress, and is based on the ongoing and customer-oriented commitment of a family and a motivated and dedicated team with more than 700 employees.