hi | 3520
Cardiac insufficiency
Material |
Hint |
Please observe special preanalytical conditions. | Fasting sample. | Centrifuge the tube (no earlier than 20 min and no later than 45 min after venipuncture). |
Min. volume | 2 mL | ||
Stability |
1 month / 2-8°C; 1 year / -20°C
Duration | 2 hours | ||
Frequency | continually, 7 days per week | ||
Method | See individual test |
Price |
CHF 173.30
Rate |
173.30 TP
Single Analysis
NT-proBNP | probnp | Serum |
BNP | bnp | Plasma EDTA |
Glucose fasting | bzn | Plasma fluoride |
AP (alcaline phosphatase) total | ap | Serum |
gamma-Glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT) | ggt | Serum |
ALT (GPT) | gpt | Serum |
AST (GOT) | got | Serum |
Albumin | alb | Serum |
Creatinine (incl. eGFR CKD-EPI 2009) | krea | Serum |
Urea | hst | Serum |
Bilirubin total | bili | Serum protected from light |
Potassium | k | Serum |
Sodium | na | Serum |
TSH | tsh | Serum |
Hematogram V | bb | Blood EDTA |