v-consult® is a web application developed specifically for our customers for the electronic prescription and report query, which is constantly being further developed with the involvement of our customers.
True to the motto: Together, more successful.
v-consult® sets new standards in terms of simplicity, clarity and automatical adaptation to personal prescription behavior. The minimum number of clicks for the prescription increases your productivity significantly.
v-consult® shows you all important information about analyses, shipping material and correct pre-analysis. Labels ensure a clear and secure labeling of the samples. The quality is thereby decisively increased.
Your advantages
- Simple, intuitive and time-saving prescription with a minimum number of clicks
- Prescription of analyses carried out both at the practice laboratory and externally in one and the same application
- Optimal result display showing graphic progression of the results incl. reference values for an even better interpretation
- Post-prescription by mouse click with automatic consideration of sample material and stability
- Workplace and location independent access – anywhere, anytime
- Eye on all relevant information at any time
Ideally, access to v-consult® is done safely and quickly via your practice / hospital information system without manual login. Your patient data will be directly submitted. Any differences to our master patient data will be pointed out immediately. Receivers of report copies can be easily and quickly selected from a list of recently used report copy receivers.
The selection is made simply and quickly based on the TOP 50 – your personal most frequently prescribed analyses – or via extremely powerful analysis search engine. The prescription in the field of infection and detection of pathogens is structured and takes into account the sampling site. Click on an analysis name to see immediately needed sample material, analysis frequency and duration as well as sample stability and important pre-analysis hints.
For pathology prescriptions a large range of topographies is available for precise indication of sampling site.
At a glance you can see on the screen and the printed labels the sequence in which order the material should be sampled. The number of tubes is calculated automatically based on the prescribed analyses and the selected tube volume.
The order confirmation automatically prints labels for easy, secure and fast labeling of the sample material. On each label, in addition to barcode and unique name of the sample material, are also located the name, first name, date of birth and gender of the patient. Symbols indicate the correct pre-analysis, e.g. ‘protect from light‘ or ‘do not separate serum‘, as already shown at the time of the prescription.
You can see the status of your orders and reports in real time. Critical and pathological findings are color-highlighted. Both orders and reports can be filtered in the simplest way. This will get you to your destination even faster.
The display of results and reports in v-consult® is better and clearer than ever before. With just one click, you can see the graphical progression of results including reference values for even faster and safer interpretation.
For each order, you can see at any time, in real time, whether post-prescription is still possible and which additional analyses can be carried out from the existing sample material. Analyses for which no suitable and stable sample material is available are greyed out and can not be selected. Post-prescriptions are processed day and night, and the results of more than 1’000 analyses are available within 90 minutes.